

A Final Word from Fiesta Days

This final installment includes greetings to Montevideo, Minn.'s sister city in Uruguay.

Next Installment from Fiesta Days

A second installment from June 20th at Fiesta Days in Montevideo, Minn. Lots of people wondering how to keep the beloved festival going another 40 years.


Montevideo Fiesta Days

The first installment from last Saturday at Fiesta Days in Montevideo, Minn.


Final Audio from Arbor Day

Here's the last installment from Arbor Day celebrations at Linwood Recreation Center. Thank you Summit Hill Association for inviting us out!

More from Arbor Day...

More audio from the Arbor Day celebrations with Summit Hill Association and the City of St. Paul.


FSM at Arbor Day celebrations

The Free Speech Machine collaborated with the Summit Hill Association for Arbor Day celebrations in the City of St. Paul at the Linwood Recreation Center. Here are the first of the day's recordings.

Check back for more posts in the coming days.